Wir sind der BENCHMARK in IRIS Schulungen und geben Ihnen nachfolgend fair und transparent Einblick in unsere Schulungsleistungen. Mit uns treffen Sie die richtige Wahl und investieren Ihre Zeit mit der bestmöglichen Rendite.
Bitte melden Sie sich so schnell wie möglich für das Seminar an. Wir müssen wissen, wie viele Personen teilnehmen möchten, weil wir ansonsten den Vertrag mit dem Schulungsort rechtzeitig stornieren müssen. Ihre Anmeldung kann von beiden Seiten gemäß unseren AGB vor Veranstaltungsbeginn storniert werden. Bis Anmeldeschluss ist eine Stornierung kostenfrei. Wenn Sie noch nie ein Seminar bei uns gebucht haben, können Sie das Anmeldeverfahren hier auf Seite 6 Link nachlesen.
Context: Certifications are often regarded as a necessary evil: "Let the quality manager handle it. We're under cost pressure, so it should be as inexpensive as possible, with minimal effort... we'll wait until the customer demands it." Only a few companies recognize the opportunity it presents. It’s not just about having a certificate on the wall!
When it comes to IRIS certification, the focus is primarily on corporate management, the responsibility of top management and process owners, structure, clarity (especially at interfaces), and motivation. It’s about continuous process optimization and streamlining (sometimes even process restructuring), user-friendly documentation (occasionally involving simplification), but most importantly, improving efficiency and financial results. The certificate merely marks the end of the first stage. Ultimately, it leads to a cultural transformation toward a quality-driven mindset.
Companies that understand this play in the Champions League. They are also willing to invest reasonably in top-notch coaches because they know that success pays off. All others will continue to fluctuate within their league, complaining about cost and deadline pressures, "firefighting actions," and margin losses, without gaining anything in return for their efforts.
Dozent: Fatih Ismail
As is customary in the IRIS Academy, we will share our best first-hand knowledge with you! True to our credo, "The Best for the Best in the Railway Industry," Fatih Ismail will present this seminar. He is an experienced IRIS certification auditor who has successfully led companies to achieve the Quality Performance Level Gold multiple times as a lead auditor. With his expertise, he understands the requirements and focal points from the perspective of certification bodies in detail. This enables him to provide valuable insights and practical information that few others can offer in this form. Additionally, he inspires participants to apply IRIS requirements effectively by clearly and comprehensibly explaining their benefits and interconnections. He brings a wealth of contextual information and illustrative practical examples from the railway industry. His goal is to promote a modern, user-friendly, and streamlined system of visual business processes characterized by a clear and efficient structure.
Objective: This course aims to familiarize you comprehensively with the fundamentals of the IRIS certification system in the shortest possible time and to provide you with suggestions and ideas for implementing the demanding ISO 22163 requirements in your company. After the course, you should have solutions that you can seamlessly integrate into your existing business management system upon your return. You will acquire above-average IRIS knowledge or refresh your existing expertise and deepen it on selected topics through case studies. The training particularly focuses on sharing internationally proven solutions from the railway industry.
In addition to system integrators, renowned operators such as Deutsche Bahn AG and SBB AG are increasingly getting involved, making IRIS certificates entry tickets to the entire railway sector. Numerous companies in the railway supply industry are now faced with the decision to implement the globally recognized ISO standard. This event is also designed to provide these companies with all the necessary information to make an informed decision and better estimate the required effort.
Target Audience: Managers/Directors of multifunctional IRIS implementation and steering teams from all involved locations (including site extensions or remote functions), quality management (QM) representatives, internal auditors, purchasing managers, process owners, and business process experts (at the management level) from all functions, such as sales, design & development/engineering, project management, procurement, production, industrial engineering/industrialization, quality management/quality assurance/quality control, commissioning/product launch/service/maintenance, human resources, and finance.
In addition to system integrators, renowned operators such as Deutsche Bahn AG and SBB AG are increasingly becoming involved, making IRIS certificates the key entry ticket to the entire rail sector. Numerous companies in the rail supply industry are now faced with the decision to implement the globally recognized ISO standard. This event is designed to provide these companies with all the necessary information to make an informed decision and better assess the required effort.
Content: To ensure you thoroughly understand the demanding IRIS requirements and the railway business, special focus will be given to the following topics:
Knowledge of ISO 9001:2015 would be an advantage.
Duration and agenda: 5 exciting and intensive days (40 seminar hours). Please download the Agenda from our server and consider the start time on the first day and the end time on the last day in your travel planning.
ABACUS Tierpark Hotel, Franz-Mett-Straße 3-9, 10319 Berlin
Telefonische Reservierung: Tel. +49 30 5162-333,
Fax-Nummer Reservierung: +49 30 5162444,
[email protected]
Course Fee: €3,200 This is the total price for your participation in 40 training hours, which includes: the exam, comprehensive materials for seminar preparation, execution, and follow-up (including a high-quality, full-color printed conference book of approximately 220 bound pages with over 300 slides), your certificate, numerous best practices provided electronically, as well as venue rental, conference technology, beverages, coffee breaks, and lunch during the event. To support your internal procurement process, a pro forma invoice will be sent to you in advance. The official invoice will only be sent via email once the event is confirmed (no later than 4 weeks before the start). Unfortunately, we had to adjust our prices due to the tripling of hotel conference fees.
Discount Scale (valid after reaching the minimum number of participants):
Proof of Achievement:
You will receive a certificate as an Internal IRIS Auditor (valid for the next 3 years), including a detailed record of your achievements.
The lecture and seminar materials will be provided in German.
Sample Reading: Please download a small Leseprobe from our server.
Customer Satisfaction: CC-Rail is the global benchmark and still the only provider of a well-thought-out and comprehensive IRIS training concept that meets a wide range of demands, from 2-day events to challenging 40-hour IRIS seminars. We have invested more than 1,200 hours in preparing these seminars and offer far more than mere "guided reading." Since 2009, the IRIS Academy has represented the "HIGH SCHOOL" for managers in the railway industry. It is internationally renowned for its unique training standards under the motto "Only the Best for the Best," as well as its exceptional practical relevance. Over 1,800 managers from five continents have benefited from the IRIS Academy's training offerings. 95% of them rated our courses as "EXCELLENT" and recommend them to others. Thus, you can look forward to an event that stands out significantly from those of other providers.
Participant Numbers: Minimum 08 / Maximum 12.
Registration Deadline (see top right): Immediately after the registration deadline, we must settle our reservations (travel, accommodation, conference arrangements, printing, and your certificates). Therefore, it is very important for us that you register for the seminar as early as possible to reach the economically required minimum number of participants. Once the seminar is confirmed, you can still register up to 2 working days before the seminar starts, depending on whether spaces are still available. If the minimum number of participants is not reached, the seminar will unfortunately have to be canceled. Please do not book your travel arrangements until you have received our official invitation to the training.
Questions: Please send them via email to [email protected]. We aim to respond within 24 hours.
Course | Interner IRIS Auditor K300 |
Number | 300 |
Available places | 15 |
Date | 05.05.2025 – 09.05.2025 |
Price | EUR 3'200.00 |
Location | ABACUS Tierpark Hotel Franz-Mett-Straße 3-9 10319 Berlin |
Contact | International Competence Centre Rail GmbH Mitteldorfstrasse 17 6315 Oberägeri Tel. 0041795224713 cc-rail.info |
Registration deadline | 02.05.2025 18:00 |
Status | Open for registrations |