

Are you ready to advance your skills in the world of Mobile App Design!

Join this Advanced App Design class to create interesting mobile apps in Thunkable using Web APIs. Take your skills to the next level as you are introduced to more technical components and learn to incorporate Thunkables advanced features. Great data is an essential part of many apps built today and the Web API component enables apps to retrieve data from any API (application programming interface) service on the web. Students will learn how to use simple block programming for developing sophisticated apps for their mobile device capable of sharing with family and friends. 


Skills You Gain

  • Learn how to use Web API to build apps that retrieve data from various public API (application programming interface) services on the web.
  • Learn about the data structure JSON and how to format it in a data tree. Learn how database information can be dissected and displayed in a user friendly way.
  • Students are introduced to Airtable database storage and discover how it is useful for anything from saving game high scores to building and sharing your gift wish list. You will learn to to store and link attachments like images to the custom datatables. 




Big Data Techniques

Big Data Techniques

Example activities

Interested in outerspace? You can design an app that lets the user flip through images and data from the Nasa APOD Astronomy
Picture of the Day API 

Pokemon fans will have fun exploring the app you create that displays every thing one could ever want to know about their favorite Pokemon characters.

wish list app

Learn to create an app that interact with a database of images and web links. Use it to create your very own interactive gift wish list.


Offered As




Prerequisite: Past experience with Intro App Design course (Thunkable, MIT App Inventor, or similar)

Minimum group size: A maximum class size of 6 students 

Minimum age: Younger students of exceptional proficiency will be considered.

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