MakeX Robotics Lab Header


Are you a Robo-Whiz? Would you like to become one?

Students enrolled in this program will train to participate in this competition using the latest in STEM robotics technology! Working with the MakeBlock robotics kit, kids design, build, and program robots and develop the innovative thinking, team collaboration, and problem-solving skills necessary to succeed in the MakeX challenges. 

Note that participation in MakeX is not required in order to join the program and experience the thrill of designing a champion robot! For MakeX competition details visit

mBot line follower  
Coding robots 

Skills You Gain

  • Team-building
  • Problem Solving
  • Robotics
  • Algorithmic Thinking



Bootstrap Image Preview

Python Programming
(3.1 & 3.2)

Bootstrap Image Preview

Makeblock programming
(1.1 & 2.1 & 3.2)

Bootstrap Image Preview

mBot Robotics

Bootstrap Image Preview

MakeX Training


Offered As


 Course ID /  Competition Level  Robot Technology  Programming
 Course Level

MakeX Starter Robotics Lab 1.1

 mBot v1 powered by mCore  mBlock5  Beginner | Intermediate

MakeX Starter Robotics Lab 2.1

 mBot v2 powered by CyperPi  mBlock5  Beginner | Intermediate

MakeX Starter Robotics Lab 3.1

 mBot v2 powered by CyberPi  Python  Intermediate

MakeX Explorer Robotics Lab 3.2

 custom robot  powered by CyberPi  mBlock 5 (age 10+)
Python (age 12+)
 Beginner | Intermediate

Offered in

  Location Offers Day(s) Time Date Location Price  

August 2024

Wednesday | Robotics Lab 1.1| Group 3 | Age 10+ | Fall 2024 Basel Stadt Wednesday | Robotics Lab 1.1| Group 3 | Age 10+ | Fall 2024 Wed 16:45 – 18:00 2024-08-21 – 2024-12-11 BASEL | TechLabs ELYS 468.75 CHF Waiting list
      Technology MakeBlock 3D Design & Printing block or Python Programming      Course Level Beginner | Intermediate Programming Language mBlock (age 10+)  Course La Read more