Certified LeSS Basics (English) Online

The Certified LeSS basics course is for anyone who is involved in a LeSS effort. Basic Scrum knowledge is expected and can be achieved by attending a Certified Scrum Master or a Professional Scrum Master course, and practicing Scrum. The Certified LeSS Basics course is often combined with a Scrum course where this will be the last day of a longer Scrum-focused training.

All participants will be receiving a Certified LeSS Basics certificate and an account on less.works. The LeSS Basics Certificate will not expire.

For more information: Certified LeSS Basics

Kurs Certified LeSS Basics (English) Online
Nummer C4024
Freie Plätze 20
Datum 09.05.2025 – 09.05.2025
Preis EUR 332,50 – 415,83
Ort Online

Kontakt JIPP.IT GmbH
Mariahilferstraße 1
8020 Graz
Tel. 00436609030026
E-Mail [email protected]
Anmeldeschluss 08.05.2025 09:00
Status Für Anmeldungen geöffnet
Nr. Datum Zeit Leiter*in Ort Beschreibung
1 09.05.2025 09:00 – 16:00 Wolfgang Richter Online Certified LeSS Basics (English) Online