Postnatal Exercises 10.07.-28.08.24

Postnatal Exercises

Inside your pelvis lies the three layers of your pelvic floor. These muscles not only provide stability but they also hold your body’s organs. During pregnancy, these muscles can become stressed from the high demand of the baby and the additional 15 to 20kg. A well trained pelvic floor gives you a pleasurable love life and prevents organ prolapse and incontinence. It can also improve posture and prevent back pain. It is essential to connect to and strengthen your pelvic floor muscles after birth with specific targeted exercises. Eight weeks after the birth of your baby, it is recommended to begin your “Rückbildung.” In a total of 10 hours, you will learn exercises that enable you to train your pelvic floor efficiently and dynamically. The cost of the course is completely covered by your health insurance. You are welcome to bring your baby along. Rejuvenate your pelvic floor!

Kurs Postnatal Exercises 10.07.-28.08.24
Nummer 2024-PpE-02
Freie Plätze 0
Datum 10.07.2024 – 04.09.2024
Preis EUR 0.00
Ort Hebammerie
Manteuffelstr. 67
10999 Berlin
Kontakt Hebammerie
Manteuffelstr. 67
10999 Berlin
Tel. 03061659342
Anmeldeschluss 09.07.2024 01:00
Status Ausgebucht, Eintrag in Warteliste möglich
Nr. Datum Zeit Leiter*in Ort Beschreibung
1 10.07.2024 13:30 – 14:45 Lara Depenbrock Hebammerie Postnatal Exercises
2 17.07.2024 13:30 – 14:45 Lara Depenbrock Hebammerie Postnatal Exercises
3 31.07.2024 13:30 – 14:45 Lara Depenbrock Hebammerie Postnatal Exercises
4 07.08.2024 13:30 – 14:45 Lara Depenbrock Hebammerie Postnatal Exercises
5 14.08.2024 13:30 – 14:45 Lara Depenbrock Hebammerie Postnatal Exercises
6 21.08.2024 13:30 – 14:45 Lara Depenbrock Hebammerie Postnatal Exercises
7 28.08.2024 13:30 – 14:45 Lara Depenbrock Hebammerie Postnatal Exercises
8 04.09.2024 13:30 – 14:45 Lara Depenbrock Hebammerie Postnatal Exercises