HTML & Web Design Lab Header


Are you ready to design your own website?

Everything you see in a website is a result of the combination of HTML and CSS and PHP. With these tools, kids will learn the skills needed to bring a website to life. Children will learn the basics of HTML and CSS and PHP and apply them in order to create their own web pages. Children should be familiar with basic programming concepts and the use of an Internet browser. We will be using the REPL.IT website to build our websites and each child will be enrolled for a complimentary account. We will also explore web resource best practices, sourcing content, and protecting our identities. By the end of this course, kids will have their own, live, personal hosted website and the skills to use web page building to prepare school reports and presentations. Note that younger kids with exceptional proficiency and interest are accepted, extra challenges for older kids will be customized.

We will use the REPL.IT website to create our websites and each child will be registered for an additional account. We will also investigate best practices for web resources, procure content and protect our identities. At the end of this course, children will have their own live-hosted personal website and the skills to create web pages to prepare homework and presentations.

Differentiation: Younger children with exceptional skills and interests will be accepted, additional challenges for older children will be adapted.

HTML Lab Part 2: This course is a continuation of the semester HTML Lab and students will be exposed to new topics and further enhance their web design skills.  After learning about HTML and CSS in Part 1, Part 2 focuses on P5/JS. In addition to HTML and CSS which mostly focus on basic content and styling of a webpage, the P5 library of Java Script (P5/JS) enables rapidly coding interesting and interactive graphics and visual effects


Skills You Gain

  • Website design
  • Best practices for resource gathering
  • Coding in HTML, CSS, and PHP
  • Part 2: P5*JS


Bootstrap Image Preview


Bootstrap Image Preview


Bootstrap Image Preview


Bootstrap Image Preview




Here is an example of some of the digital artwork you may create: 

Jaime’s Web Report on the Iberian Lynx

Jaime made this web page with all kinds of information about the Iberian Lynx from scratch. He even turned it in as a school report.

Max’s Web Report on The Last Ice Age

Max built this website using years of HTML skills honed at places like TechLabs and incorporates many features that give it a finished and optimized look. The data was collected from over three months of intensive research, back-checking of facts, and data collection. The website was optimized for easy understanding, interactivity, and a collection of all the data you need to know about the last ice age.

Offered As

Weekly Class


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