Live-Stream Seminar Samstag Freiheit auf allen Ebenen des Seins

Seminar with Alexander Vonlanthen

Freedom on all levels of being

The seminar “Freedom on all levels of being” with Alexander Vonlanthen offers a profound and holistic experience dedicated to exploring and achieving freedom in different areas of life. The aim of the seminar is to support participants in developing and unfolding their freedom on a physical, mental and spiritual level.

Seminar description:
The seminar offers an opportunity to explore and experience the different dimensions of freedom in a profound way. Under the guidance of Alexander Vonlanthen and the beings working through him, the participants are led into an intensive process of recognition and experience. This includes both theoretical knowledge and practical exercises aimed at expanding consciousness and realizing inner freedom. The seminar concludes with a meditation to deepen the insights gained and integrate them into everyday life.

Cost: CHF 130.00 per day

(of which 20% per admission will be donated to a social project)

Note: Saturday 02.11.2024
After we have received your payment, we will send you the link in the confirmation email for the booked Life-Stream event.

Seminar structure:

Saturday morning (09:00 - 13:00): Physical freedom
The first part of the seminar focuses on liberating the body. Techniques and practices will be introduced to release physical blockages and develop a deeper understanding of one's own body.

Saturday afternoon (14:30 - 17:00): Spiritual freedom
The second part explores mental freedom. The aim here is to recognize and overcome mental limitations and conditioning in order to achieve a freer and clearer way of thinking.

Sunday morning (09:00 - 13:00): Mental freedom
The third part is dedicated to emotional freedom. It explores how to dissolve emotional burdens and mental blockages in order to lead a more authentic and free life.

Sunday afternoon (14:00 - 17:00): Bringing body, mind and soul into balance
The last part of the seminar is about integrating the knowledge gained and achieving a harmonious balance between body, mind and soul.

Target group:

This seminar is aimed at people who are interested in expanding their personal freedom in all areas of life and leading a more fulfilling life. It offers a deep examination of one's own development and opens up new perspectives for a life in freedom.

Concluding meditations:
After each section of the seminar there is a guided meditation to consolidate the insights gained and to process them inwardly.
Wisdom comes from knowledge, knowledge comes from experience,
Wisdom in freedom is the greatest possible goal.




Seminar Live-Stream Seminar Samstag Freiheit auf allen Ebenen des Seins
Start date 02.11.2024
Available places 99
Price CHF 130.00
Weekday Sat
Contact Metacenter
Postfach 195
3186 Düdingen
Tel. 41(26)493 59 30
Status Open for registrations
Location Bildungs- & Gesundheitszentrum Schwarzsee
Schwarzseestrasse 158
1716 Schwarzsee
No. Date Time Description
1 02.11.2024 09:00 – 17:00 Life-Stream Seminar Freiheit auf allen Ebenen des Seins