smart sensor lab Header


Discover how machines work, think and play!

Students will experiment with an array of smart sensors to build prototypes of ‘smart home’ applications, learning the basics of Machine Learning and the Internet of Things (IoT). Through fun, imaginative projects we’ll discover how energy output, data collection and wireless communication make ‘smart’ objects come to life! Select projects will be entered into the Make X Spark international design competition awarding creativity and innovation. 

Tools: HaloCode, mBuild, mBot

Note that participation in MakeX is not required in order to join the camp and experience the thrill of designing a champion robot! Makeblock supports both mBlock, a drag-and-drop visual programming environment based on Scratch for beginners or C++ for kids ready for additional programming challenges. Our curriculum provides hands-on collaborative and competitive challenges where students build robots and learn about electronics, mechanical design, code development and algorithms.


Notes: Students taking the course for a second time will be exposed to new robotic design challenges.

Coding robots mBot line follower  


Skills You Gain

  • Physical Computing
  • Problem Solving
  • Robotics
  • Design Thinking


Bootstrap Image Preview

Makeblock programming

Rainbow Button · GitBook


Bootstrap Image Preview

mBot Robotics


Offered As:

 Smart Sensor Lab 

Minimum group: A minimum of 5 students is required to start the course.

Materials Fee: All the necessary hardware and software will be provided for the course. For an additional (optional) fee, it is sometimes possible to bring home the microcontroller (micro:bit or Halocode) used in class. Please contact instructor for availability.

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