SCHEMA ST4 Automation Designer - Online

About the training

Switch your technical writing to autopilot! In this training session you will learn how to create workflows in SCHEMA ST4, which go beyond the scope of the sample workflows in the component content management system. Workflows enable full traceability when documenting your processes, ensuring this is performed automatically and reliably, leaving you to focus on creating the text!

As this is an online training course, you must be using a computer on which SCHEMA ST4 is installed. You also need at least an Automation Designer license to take part in the exercises.

If you would like to order the Automation Designer add-on module, your Quanos contact is available at any time to answer any of your questions. You are allowed to keep any workflows created in your training.


What do we offer?

You will become familiar with all aspects of the Automation Designer.

  • The Automation Designer interface
  • Workflow modules
  • Modify existing workflows (e-mail dispatch, additional loops, inclusion of additional employees, etc.)
  • Create company-specific approval processes
  • Include internal and external colleagues in processes
  • Simplify assistance from colleagues through help texts and selected user guidance
  • Specify deadlines for process steps (reminder function)
  • Workflow rights (who can start them, edit them, monitor them?)


Scope and framework

After being welcomed, training gets right underway. During the training, you can take part in the presentation on your own computer. We always allow sufficient time for questions during training.

Attention: The Automation Designer can only be started once per SCHEMA ST4 installation. Parallel use of Automation Designer by several users is not possible!



  • In-depth training on Automation Designer in SCHEMA ST4
  • Highly-qualified experts
  • Professional training documentation
  • Optimal implementation of putting training into practice
  • Following your training you will receive a certificate
Course SCHEMA ST4 Automation Designer - Online
Available places 13
Language EN
Date 13.03.2025 – 14.03.2025
Duration 2 Day(s) - 2 Lessons
Time 13:30 – 17:30
Price EUR 650,00 excl. VAT
EUR 773,50 incl. VAT
Location Quanos Solutions GmbH
Video Conference
Contact Quanos Solutions GmbH
Hugo-Junkers-Straße 15-17
90411 Nürnberg
Tel. +49 911 99097 -0
Registration deadline 03.03.2025 16:00
Status Open for registrations
No. Date Time Address
1 13.03.2025 13:30 – 17:30 Video Conference, Online
2 14.03.2025 13:30 – 17:30 Video Conference, Online

After registration

After your registration you will receive an automatically generated confirmation by e-mail and you are bindingly registered for the training. A further written confirmation will not be sent with our online trainings. The participation fee will be invoiced to you within the next few days (please leave important information, such as different invoice address, within the registration). 2-3 days prior to the training you will receive an e-mail with the dial-in data and further instructions.


This training can also be provided on an individual basis at your own premises. If you are interested in this option, please write to [email protected].



Our training team is always happy to consider the details of your specific case to develop potential solutions. If you are interested in this option, please write to [email protected].