UK R557 IRC5 Advanced Programming Stage 2 WK41

Course Outline

Duration 4 days

Beneficial to Integrators and Programmers of IRC5 robots

Instructor led seminar with practical exercises

The language of the course is English



Students must have attended the UKR556 IRC5 Advanced Programming stage1 course and have ongoing IRC5 experience


Subject areas:

Dot Notation

Accessing Data type parts

Checking robot at home

Creating Routines with arguments

Creating instructions with parameters

INOUT, Optional Arguments

Present() Function

Mutually Exclusive Arguments

Global and Local Routines and Data


“Present()” Versus “?”

Functions with Parameters

Variables inside Routines


Creation, Manipulation, Printing, Resetting

In combination with routines and parameters

1, 2 and 3 dimensional arrays


String Concatenation, Manipulation and Functions

8 Bit Hexadecimal ASCII Codes

Serial Communication

Reading, Writing & Appending Files

COM Port Communication

File Handling

Copying, Renaming and Removing Files

Making, Removing and Opening Directories

Directory Listings

File Handling Functions

Socket Messaging

Client and Server configuration

FTP Client, FTP Server, FTP Robot Client configuration

Mounting an FTP Network Drive


General Description, Creating a parallel program

System parameter setting, Task Data

Synchronizing using a common variable, Interrupt, and dispatcher

Common data in several tasks

Teach pendant messages from parallel tasks

NFS Client

NFS Server and Robot Client Configuration

Mounting an NFS Network Drive



On completion, participants will be able to perform:


Demonstrate the techniques of advanced programming

Use Dot notation

Create instructions and functions to suit any purpose

Create and manipulate Arrays

Manipulate Strings

Communicate using Serial Channels

Handle Files and Directories

Utilise MultiTasking to create and program Background tasks

Socket Messaging for Client and Server configurations

Configure the robot to communicate with an FTP Server

Configure the robot to communicate with an NFS Server

Course UK R557 IRC5 Advanced Programming Stage 2 WK41
Number UK R557
Available places 4
Date 07/10/2024 – 10/10/2024
Week 41
Price GBP 2,540.00 excl. VAT
GBP 3,048.00 incl. VAT
Location Orion House
Contact ABB GB
Maidstone Road
MK10 0BD Milton Keynes
Tel. 01908 350300
Registration deadline 23/09/2024
Status Open for registrations
No. Date Time Description
1 07/10/2024 10:00 – 16:30 UK R557 First Course Day
2 08/10/2024 09:00 – 16:30 UK R557 Course Day
3 09/10/2024 09:00 – 16:30 UK R557 Course Day
4 10/10/2024 09:00 – 16:30 UK R557 Last Course Day

Training program

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