Birth Preparation Course for Women and Couples - in English

Welcome to my One-Day comprehensive birth preparation course for expectant mothers and fathers.

In this course, I aim to provide you with the essential information needed to feel confident and prepared for your birthing journey and the postpartum period. We will cover a range of topics, from the stages of labor to breastfeeding.

You can look forward to gaining practical tools and techniques, such as breathing, movement, and relaxation exercises, that you can actively use. Additionally, there will be ample time for discussions and addressing any questions you may have.

Course Information

Course fees: CHF 320.-
Health insurance benefit: CHF 150.–

Course leader

To-Fanny Trat Quan
Hebamme BSc.

  • Staatlich anerkannte Masseurin und med. Bademeisterin
  • Massage und Akupressur für Schwangere, Geburt und Wochenbett
  • Kursleiterin Babymassage & Reflexologie
  • Reflexologin
  • Fitness-Coach
  • Ehemalige Tänzerin & Tanzlehrerin

 +33 767 634 801

Kurs Birth Preparation Course for Women and Couples - in English
Freie Plätze 6
Datum 19.10.2024 – 19.10.2024
Lektionen 1 Lektion
Preis CHF 320.00
Ort Geburtshaus Matthea
Klybeckstrasse 70
4057 Basel
Raum Stern
Anmeldeschluss 18.10.2024 12:00
Status Für Anmeldungen geöffnet
Kontakt Frau Ti-Fanny Trat Quan
+33 767634801
Nr. Datum Zeit Leiter*in Ort
1 19.10.2024 09:30 – 16:30 Ti-Fanny Trat Quan Geburtshaus Matthea