Design for Future Lab Header


To think like a designer requires dreaming up wild ideas,taking time to tinker and test, and being willing to fail early and often."






Beim Design geht es nicht nur um Kreation; es geht darum, Kreativität zu nutzen, um Probleme der realen Welt zu lösen und das Leben der Menschen zu verbessern - durch den Einsatz von Innovation. Unser Programm nimmt die Studenten mit auf eine aufregende Reise zur Lösung von Problemen der realen Welt durch praktische Erkundung und Produktentwicklung.

Erfinden erfordert jedoch mehr als nur Neugierde und Kreativität – es erfordert das KNOWLEDGE & FÄHIGKEITEN um einen Entwurf zur Verwirklichung zu bringen. Die Lehrkräfte von TechLabs helfen den Studierenden, das Wissen zu erlangen, um IHRE Ideen, IHRE Erfindung und IHRE Vision zu fördern und ihnen zu zeigen, wie sie diese mit neuen Technologien umsetzen können.


Das spezifische Projektthema für diesen Kurs wechselt im Laufe des Jahres, so dass die Teilnehmer immer etwas Spannendes und Neues erleben. Das aktuelle Projektthema entnehmen Sie bitte dem jeweiligen Angebot.

Beispiele für vergangene Themen:

Our 2019 after-school DFF class endered their semester project into the National Bugnplay Competition. A digital youth competition for games, code, robitics, and multimedia. They took home 3 prizes including Space Award, Best Classroom Project, and the opportunity to present at Design Biennale Zurich 2019. Here is their winning submission Candylicious
Students are introduced to the concept of Design Thinking through designing and building their own Robotic Pet that responds to various sensor inputs with sound, light, and wagging tails, wiggling ears, waving arms, whatever their imagination can dream up. Kids are encouraged to think outside the box, no idea is a bad idea and the more ideas the better! They develope the code and build the electromechanical system necessary to bring thier pet to life.
This is no ordinary 3D printing class, this is using technology for humanitarian aid! In collaboration with the Enabling The Future project, children design, create and deliver a prosthetic robotic hand to underprivileged children throughout the world. 1 in 2000 children are born each day that can benefit from a prosthetic device produced in conjunction with this program.  Over 6000 prosthetic arms have already been successfully donated by Enabling The Future. This highly focused course teaches how a group of STEM students can come together and provide access to life-improving technology. We have built a special curriculum, utilizing all of TechLabs’ resources, to engage children in a highly focused project where they will get to experience the impact of open source technology to lower barriers to innovation and provide access to life-improving technology. TechLabs is Switzerland's ONLY Enabling The Future Certified fabrication and assembly partner.

From automated vacuum cleaners, to Mars rovers, to deep-sea exploration, robots are everywhere. But a new kind of robot has arrived. They are small, cheap, & simple but they have a special skill: they work as a team! Inspired by nature, these robots work together to achieve tasks that even a more sophisticated and expensive robot can’t achieve alone. Similar to the sophisticated beehives bees are able to build together or the huge complexity of ant colonies.

In this class, you will:

  • discover biomimicry
  • build your own high-maneuverability robot
  • program it using BBC micro:bit
  • define a task to accomplish as a team
  • upgrade your robot using 3D modeling and 3D printing
  • learn to work as a team

Need an example? Have a look at Nasa marsbees meant to help enhance Mars exploration: Nasa marsbees

Check out TechLab's Swarm Robot TL1 on Kickstarter!

Entwurf & Test Bau von Booten zur Reinigung von Ölteppichen

Experimentieren mit einem Auto-Farming-Gerät

Interaktive Installation SDG Ziel 14: Leben unter Wasser

Interaktive Lichtinstallation

Lichtmalerei-Roboter bauen und programmieren




Nach Datum oder Alter filtern

BS | Di. und Do. Seminar | Design & Fabrikation | Alter 13-Erwachsene

BS | Di. und Do. Seminar | Design & Fabrikation | Alter 13-Erwachsene

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