Yoga (Traditional) in English language

Course description

This Yoga course is especially for beginners. You will learn how to stand in the yoga way. It would be interesting to adapt things to your actual lifestyle. You will build a solid background in yoga. It contains theory, Pranayama (breathing practice), Asana (posture), and relaxation techniques. Physical outcomes are always accompanied, but it is not a main goal.
The language of this course is English.


Your instructor

Yeohye is a yoga teacher with having a unique background from India. She is from South Korea but lived in a yoga ashram since she was 18 years old. She completed a bachelor's and master's degree in the best yoga university in Bangalore, India. She has been working as a life-coach for many years. Currently, she is continuing her Ph.D. in JGU to combine yoga with science. She would be the only teacher who teaches original Pancha kosha yoga in entire Europe. She speaks English, Japanese, Korean, and a bit of Hindi. You may enjoy communicating in your language with her too. If you want to practice yoga with originality or spirituality, she would be a great choice. She always focuses on spiritual benefits instead of physical performance. Because yoga is not a physical exercise, but philosophy containing practice.

Kurs Yoga (Traditional) in English language
Nummer Y6
Datum 01.05.2021 – 03.07.2021
Dauer 10 Tag(e) - 10 Lektionen
Wochentag Sa
Preis EUR 30,00 – 46,00
Kontakt Campus Mainz e.V.
Forum universitatis 3
55099 Mainz
Tel. 06131 3272134
Anmeldeschluss 25.04.2021 23:55
Status Ausgebucht, Eintrag in Warteliste möglich
Freie Plätze 15
Nr. Datum Zeit Beschreibung
1 01.05.2021 11:00 – 12:30 Yoga (Traditional) in English language
2 08.05.2021 11:00 – 12:30 Yoga (Traditional) in English language
3 15.05.2021 11:00 – 12:30 Yoga (Traditional) in English language
4 22.05.2021 11:00 – 12:30 Yoga (Traditional) in English language
5 29.05.2021 11:00 – 12:30 Yoga (Traditional) in English language
6 05.06.2021 11:00 – 12:30 Yoga (Traditional) in English language
7 12.06.2021 11:00 – 12:30 Yoga (Traditional) in English language
8 19.06.2021 11:00 – 12:30 Yoga (Traditional) in English language
9 26.06.2021 11:00 – 12:30 Yoga (Traditional) in English language
10 03.07.2021 11:00 – 12:30 Yoga (Traditional) in English language