Antenatal class weekender 26.-27.04.25 for you and your (birthing)partner

Learn everything about the most important aspects concerning the birth. We talk in 
detail about the specific phases of the birth, as well as what transpires with you and 
your body. We show you how your child actively participates during the entire birth, 
and how the interaction between you and your baby is attuned. There are various
positions and movements you can implement during the birth that will help you to 
cope with labor pains. This will give you the self-assurance to trust in your own body. 
Your partner can be a wonderful support to you, and plays an important role in our 
courses. In this way, together with your baby, you can meet this challenge head on. 
Additional topics are: relaxation exercises, painkillers (natural and
medical), water births, birthing positions, the first hours with the baby. Postnatal phase, the first 6-8 weeks, "Honeymoon" with your Baby - a time, where you need to relax and rest well. We'll talk deeply about this very special time.

This class is recommended from the 30th week of pregnancy. 
This class is for you and your (birthing)partner. Together as a couple you'll go on this journey and it is my concern to prepare your partner and you as a couple in the best possible way. This influneces the birth in a very positiv way. The (additional)partner fee is 160€ and it is most likely and partly covered by your health insurance. After completing the course, you'll receive an invoice, which you can then submit to your health insurance company.

دورة Antenatal class weekender 26.-27.04.25 for you and your (birthing)partner
رقم BP-2025-05
أماكن فارغة 3
التاريخ 26.04.2025 – 27.04.2025
السعر EUR 160.00
مكان Hebammerie Hybrid-Kurs

إتصال Hebammerie
Manteuffelstr. 67
10999 Berlin
الهاتف. 03061659342
انتهاء التسجيل 25.04.2025 00:00
الحالة تنفيذ مضمون
الوقت10:00 – 17:00
المديرCristina Freiwald
المكانHebammerie Hybrid-Kurs
الوصفAntenatal class 1st child
الوقت10:00 – 17:00
المديرCristina Freiwald
المكانHebammerie Hybrid-Kurs
الوصفAntenatal class 1st child
رقم التاريخ الوقت المدير المكان الوصف
1 26.04.2025 10:00 – 17:00 Cristina Freiwald Hebammerie Hybrid-Kurs Antenatal class 1st child
2 27.04.2025 10:00 – 17:00 Cristina Freiwald Hebammerie Hybrid-Kurs Antenatal class 1st child